I don't know how therapeudic it is to "voice" concerns in this format, but it feels like time to give it a shot. As said, there are two main things on my mind right now... HOA The first is the ongoing fiasco of HOA finances. Simply put, I'm out of my depth. I accepted the position of treasurer without any real expectation of having to crunch numbers. That was roughly four years ago now, and my term should have ended after two. But I'm here because there hasn't been any full homeowners meeting since 2006, so there haven't been new votes. It puts me in a position of knowing more than most of the owners, but only because I'm on the board and have actively pursued information the last few weeks. So we have a shortage of money. We're getting by, but we have "lost" some of the funds collected to pay for our big exterior repair project to payment of normal expenses. Part of this is because some owners are behind in payments. Part of this i...