
I don't know how therapeudic it is to "voice" concerns in this format, but it feels like time to give it a shot. As said, there are two main things on my mind right now...

The first is the ongoing fiasco of HOA finances. Simply put, I'm out of my depth. I accepted the position of treasurer without any real expectation of having to crunch numbers. That was roughly four years ago now, and my term should have ended after two. But I'm here because there hasn't been any full homeowners meeting since 2006, so there haven't been new votes. It puts me in a position of knowing more than most of the owners, but only because I'm on the board and have actively pursued information the last few weeks.

So we have a shortage of money. We're getting by, but we have "lost" some of the funds collected to pay for our big exterior repair project to payment of normal expenses. Part of this is because some owners are behind in payments. Part of this is because our expenses have gone up the last few years without any increase in dues to compensate.

I don't have any evidence of the property management company taking our money, but they have not done a good job of communicating over the last few years. Looking at the information I've been given now (and hindsight being 20/20) I can see signs of insufficient dues versus expenses going back to 2007. It seems to me that's exactly the sort of thing they should spot and tell us about so we could address it in some way. But that hasn't happened, and I feel we're finding out the hard way.

Then there's the contractor. He seems in over his head. Over a year after starting, I can't point to one part of the project and say "that looks finished and good." I understand he has constantly found more damage than expected (and I believe it with what questionable original design of the places I've seen). We also haven't paid him in full. Still, as near as I can tell, he has received 80% or more of the total funds and I don't really see a comparable return on the work (to my untrained eye). He's also reported previously doing a lot of work he didn't charge us for, but... while that's "nice," it doesn't really make things better in my mind.

I'm trying to cobble together all the numbers I can to send a personal letter to the various owners explaining things as I see them. I'm hoping we can keep a tigher rein on things and get this project done (though I have lingering doubts and the weather isn't helping right now), as opposed to "firing" him and having to start all over with possible legal action to try to recoup money. Going that route would probably just drag things out even longer. And, hopefully after that, I feel the HOA may need to address this poor communication from the folks we pay to handle our money.

It'd be easier to be blissfully ignorant, but instead I'm trying to gain enough of an understanding that I can explain things to others. It's hard.

Big Ol' Disclaimer: Nothing about this situation is final. It seems just likely enough that I feel okay sharing it, but anything could change at any time.

As mentioned before, my grandmother passed away this last weekend. She requested that there be no formal service, so there won't be one. But my step-mother and her brother are working to sort out what's left behind. My dad is down there, but mostly "running errands" and feeling somewhat out of place, and I can understand.

The possibility was mentioned to me a couple weeks ago, but is seeming more likely now, that they may give me her car. Now, a 2006 Ford Fusion is pretty much an unquestionable upgrade over a 1983 Isuzu P'up in every way but raw cargo space (which I don't really use these days) and fuel efficiency (the Fusion is decent for a fairly modern car, but can't compare with the steadfast diesel). So, yeah, I'd be pretty foolish to refuse. I haven't seriously looked at a "new" vehicle over the years simply because what repair costs come up with the truck pale in comparison to buying something else, but it would be nice to not have to worry about worn parts and frayed wires causing unexpected problems.

So... that possibility is good and exciting. It's tempered with some serious guilt, though, as I don't really feel I've done anything to deserve it. Practically speaking, it's probably a better use than having it sold when most of the family members involved aren't really in need of the money. But while I was never rude or disagreeable toward my grandmother, I can't claim to have been really close either. I don't stay in touch well with people afar (save people I "see" online). I'm grateful for the opportunity, I'm just sort of mixed up about it.

Now, connected to that is the fact that the car is in Florida. If this all goes through, I may have to go down there and get it, meaning several days of solo driving on the way back. I can't say I'm against that in any way, but the possibility of taking a week off for this on short notice is hovering over me. It wouldn't be so bad to do, or not do, but the not knowing is... hmm... "disruptive?"

So I don't know for sure how all that's going to go. I've been trading emails and occasional calls with my dad, and we'll just have to see. There's lots of paperwork as far as the car, and with everything else going on there, I can't see that being the highest priority. We'll see.


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