Okay, I'm Getting Annoyed

For the last week or so, I've had periods of spotting internet connection. High latency in WoW, lag/disconnects on any MUCK, and general unpleasantness I haven't been able to track down. I've restarted all the hardware involved more than once and tried both laptop and desktop, with no discernible effect. Sometimes, things are fine. Sometimes not.

And we've had similar issues in the past, but even stranger it would usually manifest where my connection is fine, but my roommate's would lag/disconnect. Now I've inherited this or something? What the heck?


  1. Actually, reading this, I'm wondering if you're on DSL. If it is DSL, it could be old wiring in the house -- that's what prevented me from using DSL (and yeah, I'd lose connection like that a lot), which is why I switched to cable modem, which is a lot better.

  2. When I had issues with my cable modem I went around and around with the cable company and I so totally know their 'process' now. They like to blame the cable modem first and tell you there's something wrong with it - how this is possible I don't know because it's a completely solid state piece of hardware. In theory it should last a really long time. So I replaced my cable modem and it worked fine again for a while before having spotty service returned and I managed to get them to come out to look at it. The guy was "sort of" knowledgeable and seemed to think the cable was seeing a lot of signal loss between the street junction box a few houses down and my house - so he went to replace that cable. The conduit had some cave-in along it, so he couldn't pull the new cable through. So he asked to use my hose and had an attachment that would blow some water pressure through the conduit and try to break up whatever obstacle was impeding his task. He got that going and the water wasn't making it through the conduit - seems like a pretty big back-up! So he is down at the junction box tugging on the cable to see if that will jostle it loose while my hose is putting pressure on it from the other side... Then SPLOOSH!!! the blockage breaks free and the guy is rewarded with a blast of muddy water that spews out of the conduit near the junction box. So that was rather amusing. :) After getting the new cable my service was much improved! Later, during another 'spotty service' incident, I started fiddling with my cable wiring and removed some unnecessary complexity/splitting in my house. I have at least a couple of cable runs that output in my home junction box that I have no idea where they terminate. So I left those disconnected, was able to eliminate an unnecessary splitter, and that helped once again. Also, during this time I found how to get into my cable modem's administrator page, where it shows data on signal strengths and such. I was able to find some information on the Internet about what the strength levels SHOULD be for my cable modem. While I may not know what the heck that really means I feel like I know more about it - I guess at least when I go fiddling now I know whether I'm making things better or worse by monitoring the signal strength. *shrug* TL;DR I had problems with my Internet before, too!

  3. And last night, not so much as a blip that I could tell. I do so hate inconsistent problems.


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