Assorted Thoughts of the Morning

Oof. Think I slept wrong or pulled something - stiffness in my hip and lower back. Some days, I feel older than others.

Last night's offline game was good. We found a traitor and came up with a plan to expose him. That felt liberating just because we, the PCs, have been on the defensive almost the entire game, whether driven by duty or survival. To actually have a chance to work against an enemy on our terms was nice. Of course, it hasn't netted us much advantage in the end, but it was fun while it lasted. ;)

We squeezed in a quick heroic Nexus run last night afterward. I can't say it was good, but I wouldn't call it bad either. I admit that I'm a little spoiled at this point, and usually expect to run through heroic 5-mans at a fair pace with deaths approaching zero. This was slower and, I think, closer to 5 deaths. That's not extremely frustrating, mind you, just minorly disappointing. So what problems did we have? Well, I'm still not the best paladin healer around. I get a little brain-locked particularly when 3+ people are losing notable chunks of life at once. 2 is fairly easy. More than that, and casting times start to be an issue. What I'm unclear on is why, exactly, we had that happening. Too much AOE? I know feral druids aren't the best area tanks, but what I've read generally says they should be functional. I don't know. Maybe we need to (re-)teach some folks to get/watch a threat meter so they don't pull aggro over the tank. Only fairly lightly-geared DPS didn't help matters. Still, we got our emblems and I look at it more as "we can improve from this" than "OMG! WTF happened?!"

I'm counting down days to the HOA board meeting next Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it as a chance to vent and share ideas, but I don't see it being a happy occasion. However I look at things, we are short money. Even if everyone were able and willing to pay what they owe in dues and assessments (which isn't going to happen overnight), we'd still be somewhere close to four thousand dollars short of being able to pay what's owed on the repairs. That tells me we screwed up somewhere at the beginning or "lost" some money along the way somehow. Even if we were able to pay everything, I'm not altogether convinced the project would be finished in the "15 working days" timeline we were last given. The only way I can even see us getting the money is yet another assessment - which the same people who are behind now probably wouldn't pay, so we'd have to ask for enough that everyone else could cover immediate expenses while those behind get further behind. Ugh. I don't see much else we can do. Maybe someone else will have a great idea, but I'm not counting on it.


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