(WoW) Hail to the Knights!

Naxxramas completed. Yay!

It wasn't easy, that last fight. It took... umm... four? Five? Six? times... They sorta blend together. We had a couple bad incidents going from Phase one to two with several banshees and an abomination still up. We had some positioning problems in phase two. Mostly, we were losing people along the way, and just didn't have enough to get through the last parts.

In one particular try, our off-tank was going to handle the adds about to spawn at the beginning of phase three only to be ice blocked. She survived, then the hunter misdirects went bad and pulled Kel'Thuzad to her, too. Then, as we scrambled to reposition after that, someone got ice blocked and caught at least three other people. Yeah, that didn't go well. ;)

We did learn, though, and got better. On our successful run through, actually we had everyone survived. It might have helped to have our Ret paladin healing through most of it (maybe we would have done better in general with three healers, I'm not sure), but whatever it was, we downed the big, bad lich. I believe a hunter got their tier 7 helm token, Death's Bite made its way around to end up with a warrior, and the caster hammer went, I think, to our holy paladin. Item level 213 gear - not the best stuff available now, but still good.

We then went on to try Onyxia a couple times, but that's clearly harder. We need to coordinate position better for the second phase - even two tanks have trouble rounding up whelps. And the second time through, I actually died in phase one to "overwhelming dragon damage" (breath, melee, and wing buffet totally around 48k damage in the space of about 2.5 seconds).


  1. Thanks. Sorry you missed out. Even pushing back the start time by half an hour, we were still waiting on our last one-two people a half hour or more late. Just can't win. I've been trying to find some sort of benchmarks for Onyxia. The people who comment most seem to be saying 'oh, it's puggable and easy,' but they're not raiders who just cleared Naxx, I imagine. Ony hits hard, and the whelps are difficult to manage. With some practice and coordination (and just a little luck), I think we might be able to do it, but I don't think most of our raid group would be tolerant of the difficulties and repair bill along the way. At last discussion, it sounded like we'd try Obsidian Sanctum next Saturday. More dragon practice, and he only appears to hit about half as hard. I guess we'll see how that goes. I still want to get back in and down Eregos on heroic in Oculus. >.>


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