A Little Much?

I find myself... not feeling too hot tonight. Physically, I'm fine, but I suspect there's a little too much on my mind at the moment aside from the usual moodiness.

gabefinder is in the process of moving out - back to her mom's to be there to help out. That feels really weird. The prospect of living really alone isn't something I've faced, though this isn't like I'm moving off to someplace where I know no one or anything like that. It's awkward, and it feels backwards somehow, but I'm sure I'll adapt.

And there's the ongoing HOA crap. The property manager has been more forthcoming of late, but I'm still having trouble finding the specific answers that I'm looking for amidst all the numbers. We board members have been emailing and are looking at a meeting in about a week and a half. But the bottom line still isn't good. Even if everyone paid up what they owe (which they're not going to spontaneously do), we'd still be short. I can understand cost increases, but I don't get why this is only becoming apparently now (save the frustratingly obvious answer). It looks like we'll have to do another assessment and/or raise dues to get out of this mess - which still only works if people pay their share.



  1. I'm sorry the HOA stuff is ongoing! Best of luck getting that worked out. I'm curious, since she never post - is N's mom ok? Is this just generic needing help, or am I missing something bigger? Thanks for being my info source, and I hope things work out ok with the incipient lack of roommate!

  2. No particular health issues I'm aware of, but aging itself can be a bitch. As I understand, she was wanting help particularly going into winter - so dealing with firewood and snow and such. And there's probably a measure of loneliness there, too. Only tangentially related, Susan's down in Florida with her mom - who I'm given to understand is going downhill and may not have a lot of time left. It sounds like my dad may be joining her down there in the coming months. I feel a little better for having gotten to see her last Christmas, but I definitely have the sense that she just doesn't doesn't "have enough to live for" you might say.


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