(no subject)
Debate and discussion continue over the fate of Furryfaire. The last big talking point took my idea of setting things in the past rather than the future to a wild extreme. I'm not really sure how settings things prior to the last global "Dragons of the End" reset is functionally any different from setting things after the next one. Either way, you're basically throwing everything established out the window and that's... more than I was thinking. Ah well. The doomsaying doesn't really seem any worse than previous times, but there is something to it. MUCKs have been on the decline for years, with the rise of MMORPGs and social networking. Has the time come to give it up? Well, I don't think I could do that entirely all at once, but it's possible Furryfaire may be on the way out. I'm not sure there's enough creativity, interest, and motivation left to hold it together through a major shakeup. Then again, I'm not sure there isn't. It... r...