Tired, Tired, Uninspired

Oog. Alternating weekly schedules can be rough sometimes, but it's even harder to be thrown off it. Though scheduled for nights this week, I had to come in at 9 am for the preliminary meeting regarding out circulation system upgrade. So I'm at about eight hours now and have a ways to go, though I probably won't stay all night. I suppose the positive side is that we accomplished what we needed to and I don't have to come in early tomorrow, at least.

(WoW) Saturday's raid went okay in general, though a few things are worth commenting on. Razuvious was a mess (though successful and quick), and we headed up to the Frozen Throne. I wish we didn't have to go through 4-ish wipes on the Lich King before we got down our pattern to get through phase 1 regularly (this is mostly dependent on a single person). I'm miffed at one player for going, "Oh, company coming over, I need to go" when we have 11 people at the time we formed up, thus accepted him in over someone else (who was otherwise busy when he left) - while he does decent numbers, he's a bit too iffy on attendance/focus on the game. You want to prioritize other things, that's fine and well, but don't be surprised if we want someone less likely to bail on us next time. The non-guildie rogue we got to sub in was okay, not a drawback nor outstanding. We saw more of phase 2, which I take to be progress, including a massive Defile and the Lich King down to about 53%.


  1. My apologies that I, myself, was too tired to continue so early in the night. My circadian rhythm is way off right now thanks to my work schedule being effectively opposite of what it has been for most of the last year...

  2. As much as I'd like to push on and do better, I think we were reaching a point of diminishing returns and performance. That's the biggest reason why I don't like that it often seems to take 4-5 tries to "warm up." I know we'll reach a point where people start to get tired, frustrated, and/or sloppy. That includes myself. I probably could have gone on longer, but I was feeling fatigue by the time we wrapped for the night and that means I wasn't at my best.

  3. We can do it. We've seen phase 1 now. We've dealt with transition. We get the timing/positioning down on Defiles/Val'kyr and we have this just about done and done.


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