Dreary Day

'tis all dark and rainy outside. Not heavily at the moment, but enough that I feel an urge to curl up all cozy-like and nap. Then again, I'm also having that feeling trying to get up in the morning, as it's been darker due to season as well as clouds. Alas.

Yesterday was intensely stressful at work. Hardware going out on a machine used by the web department didn't help, though I think I was mostly focused on a list of "ongoing computer issues affecting morale in the newsroom." Rawr. Of the four, I hammered out a fix for one right away. I made an adjustment that should fix another. I made that changes that might have fixed a third - results were improved last night, but I can't call it done until that's the norm rather than the exception. Which leaves a fourth issue (which I must admit has been shuffled down as low priority in the past) I was ready to tackle this morning only to find it rendered irrelevant due to the announcement movement of some people today. I guess that's good, but the frustrating part was seeing this list go through managerial channels when most of the things there were ongoing issues only because I thought they were solved. Communication is ever a point of failure.

It's Brewfest time in WoW, the season of screen blur! The current dungeon finder implementation makes runs against the holiday boss infinitely simpler and easier. There's no reason an active level 80 character can't pick up the trinkets he drops with how quick repeated attempts can go and he's a pushover for those of us who were doing the same thing last year. And Harvest Festival should be over or winding down today, it's just a brief holiday with little to do, but remains dear in my heart for its one quest to honor Uther Lightbringer. That's a yearly pilgrimage for my paladin.

Anticipation builds for Cataclysm. I finally did go ahead and get in an order for it. Right now, I'm less eager to see the changes to the world and starting a worgen than I am to see what changes happen to existing characters. With Cataclysm widely believed (though still unofficially at last check) to be slated for a November 2nd release, and the pre-expansion patch being tested on the PTR, we're going to see a major revamp in talents, skills, and generally how a lot of classes work sometime in the next few weeks. I'm incredibly curious now if those changes would make our struggle against the Lich King harder or easier. It could go either way, though I remember the pre-Wrath changes to paladins definitely being a boost.


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