Talking Star Wars

I got to talking some about Star Wars last night, Jedi philosophy in particular. It's a topic I find interesting to consider, but often frustrating to debate or be asked to explain in depth. Why? Well, because as I see it, there really isn't a right answer. It's a fictional philosophy that served a role in its media, but has never been fully specified.

The closest thing I've seen to a complete write-up would either be a few pages in an RPG book (which is going to be written with a slant toward the game type - usually cinematic rather than simulationist) or a Wiki article that's a compilation from many sources, inconsistencies usually included. It's hard to paint a good, solid picture from that.

Then there's the issue of what you take as canon. The further you get away from the original source material, the more the image of the Jedi will deviate from the creator's intent. Though... looking at the progression of movies after Episode V, I have increasing issues with the creator's own vision anyway, especially as the differences pile up between original and prequel trilogies. There has been some material from comics and video games that I find more worthy than the prequels.

So my vision of the Jedi might be unique, formed around how I weigh various sources and input my personal opinions. In some ways, the same might be said of real world philosophies and religions, as different people interpret things a little differently. But I can't really accept or argue such things as "correct" when there's so little definitive information and no real support that one interpretation is better than another. Go figure.


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