And Again...

The four hours of InCopy/InDesign training today wasn't so bad. Scrambling to prepare for it, skipping lunch, and cramming everything else going on into the remaining time of the day, however, is exhausting. I'm tired. And there's more of the same the next couple days, also with gaming tomorrow night, due to last minute schedule changes...


  1. heh... I like InDesign. I've never used InCopy, though. I hope you get caught up with minimal fuss!

  2. InDesign seems nice and powerful. I miss the simple functionality of QuarkXpress to some degree, but meh. InCopy... has a lot of feature overlap with InDesign (and probably other Adobe programs) that we don't currently see with Word. Ultimately, though, I probably won't end up using either much. Sorta silly, but I'm in a position where I need to be able to answer (or find answers to) questions users might come up with, but I won't regularly use these programs myself.

  3. Good luck with that! I *do* use the program, and am often answering questions for co-workers with less training than I have... and I often *still* don't know the answer. (I took a semester class in it a few years back, paid for by work... I'm so happy I did!)

  4. Yeah, i also use InDesign a lot. And I like it a lot better than Quark. Feel free to ask questions if you have any! :D


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