A matter of character
For some reason, I felt like opening this post with "I wonder what I'd do if I weren't a roleplayer." After the last couple weeks, though, I actually have a fair idea. I can't say I consider doing without to be that much better or worse, just different. Still, I prefer to be able to RP. Our RL D&D campaign is winding down. Okay, so we haven't actually played in three... four(?) weeks. Still, it's pretty clear the end is coming up and we should be playing again next weekend. I think I'll be GMing the next one myself. Gosh, I feel out of practice, but I have enough to start on. As long as I can pull off the proper atmosphere for the game world, I think it'll work out well. It's a little different from my usual fare. Heh. It also requires a PC mindset vastly different from that of our current game (where Plan A is to offer ale, Plan B is to brutally crush any opposition, and a Plan C hasn't really been necessary). I guess we'll see h...