
Showing posts from September, 2003

A matter of character

For some reason, I felt like opening this post with "I wonder what I'd do if I weren't a roleplayer." After the last couple weeks, though, I actually have a fair idea. I can't say I consider doing without to be that much better or worse, just different. Still, I prefer to be able to RP. Our RL D&D campaign is winding down. Okay, so we haven't actually played in three... four(?) weeks. Still, it's pretty clear the end is coming up and we should be playing again next weekend. I think I'll be GMing the next one myself. Gosh, I feel out of practice, but I have enough to start on. As long as I can pull off the proper atmosphere for the game world, I think it'll work out well. It's a little different from my usual fare. Heh. It also requires a PC mindset vastly different from that of our current game (where Plan A is to offer ale, Plan B is to brutally crush any opposition, and a Plan C hasn't really been necessary). I guess we'll see h...

(no subject)

Another weekend passes, and proverbial dust settles. The dishwasher is working fine. The new refrigerator was put in. Because of a minor ding on the exterior which I'll probably never actually *see* again, I'm even getting a little bit of a refund. I was perfectly willing to shrug it off, but the delivery guy was nice enough to talk to the people back at the Sears store and arrange for 10 percent off. Sounds good to me. Other acquisitions progress more slowly, but it's still progress. I think I'm going to buy another set of dishes - I'm sure we could get by on four settings, but eight's a more comfortable number. And there are other little things that keep coming up (like finding we didn't have a can opener). The major stuff is out of the way, though, and that's nice.


Darn Qwest. I put in a request to add a second phone line at the same location as my primary number. I specifically waited to submit that until after my line was connected at the new place to avoid confusion. So what do they do? They connect it at the old house - I just tested it there this morning. Oy. The rep I talked to this morning was pleasant and helpful, at least, but the earliest they can have this corrected is next Tuesday the 30th, a full week later than it was scheduled to be done. On the up side, I think I've got the dishwasher working properly. It made it through one cycle without leaking. That's a start, right? Of course, now I need detergent and... well... dishes. o.o; Umm... right. But it's a relief to have that done and it feels good to have done it myself. And a little something I saw this morning. An FF7 movie, set two years later, with Cloud and Sephiroth. Few details and a scan of an ad here: I suppose it co...

A New Week

It's been a little over a week now for me, and things are starting to feel "normal" again. It always seems to take about that long to adapt to new surroundings - which makes week-long vacations elsewhere rather odd. We have a new 27" TV in the living room. In the end, I decided the minimal benefits of HDTV and widescreen format weren't really worth the additional expense. Besides, this one fits nicely on the entertainment center. Still, we don't use the living room much. We're both accustomed to living in our rooms with our own electronics (computers, consoles, TVs). We did have our first guest stay the night down there, though. And there's still work to do, of course. Our second phone line should be active tomorrow. Tuesday/Wednesday, I should have a dishwasher to install. Saturday, we get a refrigerator delivered... which may not fit through the doorways into the kitchen if it's all assembled. o.o; Then there are other things to turn to: att...


Shouldn't one feel more relaxed after taking a day off work? Today, I find myself feeling particularly tired. I'd love nothing more than to curl up all cozy-like under blankets and nap. I suppose I can blame part of that on physical labor. After spending the morning deciding on a dishwasher and realizing I need to do more research to find a replacement refrigerator that will fit (darn "counter depth" models), I helped out in moving gabefinder 's stuff over to the condo. It's not everything, but all the big items, at least. This whole move is still overwhelming and odd. Every little detail is taking some getting used to, but I *am* starting to consider the place "home." We should have a second phone line by Tuesday, so we can both be online simultaneously again. I'm still hoping for DSL eventually. All-in-all, things seem to be going well. I just wish I weren't so tired.

(no subject)

I can't believe it's only been three days. It feels like so very much longer. @.@ Friday was long itself. Saturday, I went to the condo, picked up my newspaper, and sat on the floor to read while munching on donut holes as breakfast. I'd been advised to have pizza as my first meal there, but that hardly seemed to fit for the morning. So then it was upstairs to clean the bathroom and recaulk the tub. It's a touch harder than it looks, but I think I did a decent job - certainly better than what was there. This led into a trip off to WalMart and Home Depot to gather various items (a tool kit, trash cans, a new toilet seat, etc.) I was pretty well done working on all that when my parents showed up and showered me with several things (a set of pans, a small crock pot, and a toaster). With my dad's help, the storage unit was cleared out by early afternoon. They took me out to dinner and I made a couple trips to empty my things from the house (save for a couple items), a...

Well that was... simple

I'm in a much finer limbo of home ownership now. I finished my part of closing fairly quickly and easily, but the seller couldn't make it in to do his part 'til 11. So I won't actually have important things like keys until after that. Still, I think I feel... pretty good about this, actually. There were, in fact, a lot of papers to read and sign. Some of them I'd seen before in a less-than-final version. I turned over a cashier's check covering the down payment and closing costs. And that was about it. In a couple hours, I'll pick up the keys, check the place out, and start taking things over, I think. Odd. And yeah, I think I'm finally excited. The monthly payment works out to a little less than estimated (they guessed high on taxes). So, pure housing costs: $576.79 - Principle, interest and taxes paid to my lender $110.00 - Paid to the homeowners association, covering water, sewer, trash and building insurance Of course, there's electricity,...


A quick, informal poll for the few of you who may keep up with my posts. Would you buy from ? Heh. Someday, I need to learn how to do cuts, because now I'm going to bias you with my own answer and thoughts. Buying online has added a lot of options, especially to people like me. Durango's great, but it lacks many major stores. And, of course, when you have so many out there to look at, why not hunt for bargains? $60 for Photoshop 7? Well damn. The same for Windows XP Pro? Sounds awful good. It sounds... too good to be true, in fact. So when someone at work pointed out this site and asked about getting software there for the Herald, I had to look a bit closer. Me? I wouldn't buy here. Most reputable companies have some sort of 'about us' information with contact numbers and a physical address. No such animal on this site. The closest thing I could find was mention that the software is shipped from "Eastern Europe....

(no subject)

I feel like I should be saying something deep and meaningful today, but I don't have it in me. Then again, I suppose others will say more than enough. Two years ago, I went through my workday shaken, but New York is distant enough that events didn't strike home like they did for some people. I don't want to belittle those for whom the day has more meaning, though. Today... today I find my mind full of other things which are, in the grand scheme of the world, more trival. Things like this cold or something I seem to be coming down with, the closing on the condo that's scheduled for tomorrow morning, and getting utilities for the place worked out (and on that note, I probably won't have any home internet access from Friday until Monday). I'm just one person, and that's plenty for me to think about today.

(no subject)

Mostly a dull weekend. Met April and Nina for lunch on Saturday. I have to say that was the high point, not that anything bad happened either. Just... bleh. I didn't even log onto Faire or FFDA last night. Disgaea's still entertaining, but I had to take some time out from that too. Mood Songs - RL: "Somewhere I Belong" - Linkin Park - VR: "Bring Me to Life: - Evanescence

Disgaea: Heart of Darkness

The other source of humor in my life since the weekend, I had to drive to Farmington to find a copy and I only actually saw one other on the shelf. Sam Goody didn't even have it listed in their computer. Gah. C'mon, a new PS2 game can't be that obscure... can it? Regardless, I got my copy, and I think it's already worth it. A strategy RPG with cute artwork, amusing voices, and sometimes-insane situations. The combat system is deep enough that I haven't grown bored with it after four days of heavy playing while the story and characters are quite entertaining. Great game.

Red vs. Blue

Gah! I have laughed aloud more in the last half a week than the year prior, and this is a large part of why. I'm finally all caught up with it and, though I still think the first ones are the funniest, it's beyond just amusing. I'm going to have to share these with my gaming group...

Entry, abridged

... Once again, I have a long post all typed out only to have the update fudged. Yay Livejournal.