
Darn Qwest. I put in a request to add a second phone line at the same location as my primary number. I specifically waited to submit that until after my line was connected at the new place to avoid confusion. So what do they do? They connect it at the old house - I just tested it there this morning. Oy. The rep I talked to this morning was pleasant and helpful, at least, but the earliest they can have this corrected is next Tuesday the 30th, a full week later than it was scheduled to be done.

On the up side, I think I've got the dishwasher working properly. It made it through one cycle without leaking. That's a start, right? Of course, now I need detergent and... well... dishes. o.o; Umm... right. But it's a relief to have that done and it feels good to have done it myself.

And a little something I saw this morning. An FF7 movie, set two years later, with Cloud and Sephiroth. Few details and a scan of an ad here: http://www.rpgfan.com/news/2003/1955.html I suppose it could be fake, but RPGFan is usually pretty reliable.


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