(no subject)

I can't believe it's only been three days. It feels like so very much longer. @.@

Friday was long itself. Saturday, I went to the condo, picked up my newspaper, and sat on the floor to read while munching on donut holes as breakfast. I'd been advised to have pizza as my first meal there, but that hardly seemed to fit for the morning. So then it was upstairs to clean the bathroom and recaulk the tub. It's a touch harder than it looks, but I think I did a decent job - certainly better than what was there. This led into a trip off to WalMart and Home Depot to gather various items (a tool kit, trash cans, a new toilet seat, etc.) I was pretty well done working on all that when my parents showed up and showered me with several things (a set of pans, a small crock pot, and a toaster). With my dad's help, the storage unit was cleared out by early afternoon. They took me out to dinner and I made a couple trips to empty my things from the house (save for a couple items), and settled in for the night at the condo.

Sunday wasn't any more restful. I got up, had a similar breakfast, and launched into another day of housework. I bought a new desk and spent quite a while putting that together, then started carrying boxes up to my room and figuring out where to put things. Oy. I need more shelves or something. But, by the end of the day, most of my possessions are in my room, unplacked, and in their 'proper' places. It's almost like home.

And today it's back to work... at the Herald. The morning has been slow thusfar and that's a nice break from busting my tail all weekend. Of course, there's more I need to do yet. The phone issue will have to be resolved. The dishwasher still needs replacing. I'd like to replace the refridgerator too, actually, but I don't think I want that enough to pay what it would cost just now. Ah well.


  1. So you're officially in your own place now? Congratulations and good luck.


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