
Shouldn't one feel more relaxed after taking a day off work? Today, I find myself feeling particularly tired. I'd love nothing more than to curl up all cozy-like under blankets and nap.

I suppose I can blame part of that on physical labor. After spending the morning deciding on a dishwasher and realizing I need to do more research to find a replacement refrigerator that will fit (darn "counter depth" models), I helped out in moving gabefinder's stuff over to the condo. It's not everything, but all the big items, at least.

This whole move is still overwhelming and odd. Every little detail is taking some getting used to, but I *am* starting to consider the place "home." We should have a second phone line by Tuesday, so we can both be online simultaneously again. I'm still hoping for DSL eventually. All-in-all, things seem to be going well. I just wish I weren't so tired.


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