2013 Winds Down...
Ah, what to say about the year? Work remains about the same. Things are cyclical, and we're in a moderately busy part of the cycle. There's new upper management which is set on doing things, often too fast for anyone's good. This leads to a good bit of scrambling at times and some outright mistakes. I'm glad we have a manager to buffer some of that. To my eyes, it's a familiar mess. But what can you do? I keep my head down and try to keep everything working and moving as best I can. In the last year, I became a salaried employee, which included a raise (not really a life-changing one in any way, but it's something). Real life is pretty static. In the coming year, I should get to travel to Ireland with my dad and stepmom - something I both look forward to and not-quite-dread. I got into some local hiking in the summer, which was great, but I've not been able to keep up any real activity level since things have cooled off. That's not so great. Health ...