Assassin's Creed: Black Flag - Odd Beginnings

So I did pick up the latest Assassin's Creed game, both for myself and a gift for a friend. I've only gotten a few hours of play time in, but it's been a very odd, flailing time so far.

In some cases, the game doesn't seem to know what's unlocked and what isn't. On the starting island, Edward distinctly did not have the trademark Assassin wrist blades, instead getting them a little bit later in the story. And yet, I'm pretty sure the animation on those boar kills involved them rather than a sword or knife. I cleared one mission and noticed an icon on the map for the Jackdaw (Edward's ship for the game) only to run over to an empty dock - apparently, he doesn't yet have said ship. I also did a little "save the pirates" event, taking out the soldiers threatening a pirate or two and I'd swear I heard him call Edward "Captain" and make some comment about meeting back at the ship. Yeah, the ship that doesn't exist yet for Edward to captain. I can see how this can happen with an open-world design, but most games gate events behind the story missions that unlock relevant details. For this game not to do that feels oddly sloppy.

I've also frequently found myself wondering what the heck is going on at a given moment and flailing to figure out what to do. In one mission to defend a character, I got tangled up fighting - I dare say defending - and he up and ran off. Apparently keeping close is more important in that mission than actually doing anything to the attackers. When I went after my first sea shanty collectible, I had no idea it was going to fly away and make me chase it. I've seen no real explanation as to what behavior is "okay" and what isn't - some of my early exploration on rooftops apparently triggered guards to come after me. Apparently climbing is suspicious, running around in the street less so. Also, while there are pirate rescue and assassination jobs on the map, I'm unclear on what the motivation to do them is (other than something to do and possible rewards). Edward has yet to be given any reason I've seen to do anything other than cover his own ass. And in one mission, I climbed up to the edge of a patrolled rooftop, watching two guards for a few moments. As I had an "assassinate" prompt, I figured, I could stealthily pull one off while the other wasn't looking. Instead, the button had Edward climb up and choke the guard out on the roof, leaving a very obvious body there and revealing to me the half-a-dozen or more other guards I hadn't seen. Yeah, that did not work out as well in practice as it did in my mind.

It is, however, still plenty interesting and makes me want to see more. Not sure what I think of the meta-story, but the pirate story is one I'd like to get deeper into.


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