2013 Winds Down...

Ah, what to say about the year?

Work remains about the same. Things are cyclical, and we're in a moderately busy part of the cycle. There's new upper management which is set on doing things, often too fast for anyone's good. This leads to a good bit of scrambling at times and some outright mistakes. I'm glad we have a manager to buffer some of that. To my eyes, it's a familiar mess. But what can you do? I keep my head down and try to keep everything working and moving as best I can. In the last year, I became a salaried employee, which included a raise (not really a life-changing one in any way, but it's something).

Real life is pretty static. In the coming year, I should get to travel to Ireland with my dad and stepmom - something I both look forward to and not-quite-dread. I got into some local hiking in the summer, which was great, but I've not been able to keep up any real activity level since things have cooled off. That's not so great. Health is decent in general, though I know I would benefit from more exercise and some degree of depression is always a threat. And the allergy tests showed me some things I now watch out for in general, as annoying as they are in some cases.

Warcraft stopped being a notable part of my life in the last year, and nothing has really filled that gap, for better or worse. Guild Wars 2 remains little more than a one-day-a-week affair for me, and as the game still hasn't offered me anything that feels like an attainable goal, I have trouble sinking my teeth in any deeper. I've tested and sampled other MMOs, but haven't found the combination of goals and community to make any of them feel like they'll be regular stops in my recreational time.

Furryfaire remains. Play of my old characters there has waned, though, to little more than an occasional royal visit (which is neat in concept, but ends up feeling pretty pointless in practice). Unfortunately, this has meant less and less play with a few people that I used to do a lot with, though I do manage to develop some characters on the side in some maybe-not-quite-canon scenes. Jezra remains reasonably active by virtue of getting attached to some "new guard" players who remind me, for better and worse, of peers back when I started MUCKing. They can be both invigorating and stifling. I've recently again started pondering trying to do something with Amani on-grid, but I have yet to convince myself that will be worthwhile.

I haven't written much, if anything, in the last year. I have read a good bit, and continue to do so. I am thankful this works well with my Nexus 7, as it keeps me from accumulating further piles of books, which I'm prone to reading only once anyway. It does make it hard to lend, though. I find, the more I think about it, the more I can say I'm drawn to stories. Whether a book, or game, or movie, or roleplay scene, I want to experience a new story. And ones I like, I can consume ravenously. Once I have, however, it becomes less interesting to me. I have trouble going back and reading even my favorite of books because I know the story, even if I don't consciously remember it all. When the twists and turns have all been revealed, what's left? I don't know. And usually it doesn't matter, going through the story once is enough, but I've found myself asking the question recently.

Ups and downs. Life goes on.


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