GW2, part 2
So, official release day, what more is there to add? I skimmed through an article by someone else of critiques, and generally agree. They point out the dynamic events really aren't that dynamic for the most part. The biggest improvement is that when they happen, they're open to all comers, and participating brings some measure of reward. Otherwise, they're like most any other triggered quest with the down side of not always being available. I was envisioning a quest wiki that became some interlinked labrynth of events reported by different people, but instead, I've seen the same few come up in one area twice in a single play session (probably not more than an hour apart). It's not a big failing, but it's also far from the revolutionary accomplishment it was hyped to be. Also, the writer complains about flaky geometry/jump mechanics fouling up some platformy sections. Most of these I've seen are to reach vistas (that grant some points) rather than com...