
Some days/weeks, I almost find appeal in the thought of having my "brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick." Cinderblock may even be a valid substitute.

Just... ugh. I'm so sapped from frustration and focus. In addition to the usual printer issues, phone edits, email setup, forgotten passwords, and general troubleshooting this week:
- We started off the week with evidence of malware or a rootkit or something on one computer that wasn't following the patterns I usually see, but creating network traffic. We blocked that off readily enough, but after three nights, my co-tech still hasn't managed to get to the source of it. I tracked down some useful information yesterday, but I haven't had the couple hours with it that would probably be required to clean it.
- A hard drive failed on a design workstation Tuesday. That left me scrambling for a temporary replacement, ordering a permanent one, trying (and failing) to retrieve anything from the disk, setting up the new computer, and getting it out by Thursday morning.
- I also spent some time Monday and much of Tuesday working on a couple problems with our circulation software that came up because 1) our vendor let a temporary license expire without getting a permanent one set up for us and 2) a software update changed the location of critical files and services without properly referencing the new ones. Whee. I was on the phone with four other people at once working that out after being bounced back and forth a couple times with "well, it looks like a problem with their software."
- I lost 2-3 hours easy over the last couple days to cleaning more "traditional" malware off one machine twice. A machine used by one of our least techy users who's only in once in a great while. I don't feel I could convey safe browsing practices to her no matter how much time I had to spend on it.

Roleplaying until almost midnight last night was draining too. Reasonably entertaining considering the level of PC fatalities, but that's okay because they were one-shot games.
Someone wanted to test a "few PCs versus many orcs" scenerio in the Savage World rules. Took about an hour, the mage took out several times their number, the warrior took down one enemy, the rogue did virtually nothing - and then all three were basically overrun. I didn't like the "shaken" condition rules and the wounding, though I'm not sure that was played completely by-the-book or not.
Then we did a Pathfinder module, randomly picking out a pre-generated cavalier, witch, and summoner. Only in the first fight did we realize that left us without healing. Aieee. We were retconned to having a healing potion apiece, which ended up saving the witch from bleeding out otherwise in our second encounter, and got her back up on her feet. Things went reasonably well from there, even freeing a prisoner. The witch's sleep Hex was infinitely useful. Then we got into the boss fight and were working at finishing off the enemy shaman when an environmental situation triggered, sending the cavalier and summoner plummetting to their demise. The witch and rescued NPC survived.

Rrgh. Tired, and having trouble focusing...


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