I Fear Change

So often it's not for the better.

I think I'm a little out of sorts having seen the ad for... well, my boss. When "management" discussed the possibility of hiring an IT Director, that was one thing. Even hearing that it was coming wasn't so bad. But actually seeing that it's in the process of happening is a little scary.

I worry over changes in dynamics, though I admit there are a lot of ways things could improve. The company has not been very lucky/skilled at hiring for management positions, though, in my opinion. Too often we get people who seem incapable of a ground-level view, and while that may not be the job of a manager it sure can be useful. Theoretically, anyone hired for this position should know a good bit about what we do. Then again, I would have thought the person hired to head the online division would be able to operate a computer and cell phone without somehow fouling up her email. Repeatedly.

Well... hope for the best, and that things don't change too much, or they genuinely get better. It does happen once in a while...


  1. and have you thought about applying for it?

  2. Oh no, no, no. I know better. ;) For one, I don't meet the management/formal education "requirements." For another, I am really not that interested in a more managerial position. That would mean more meetings and high-level decisions - precisely the things I prefer to avoid.

  3. Fair enough! (I'm in a similar position, actually...well, except that my boss doesn't seem to be going anywhere, which is just fine with me!) Just thought I'd ask. :)


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