Witcher 2: Prelim
Well, while sitting at work waiting for remote support to figure things out and call me back, I seem to have a few minutes to comment on The Witcher 2. I picked it up Friday night and have been playing on and off through the weekend. Two thoughts strike me at this point: 1) Pretty much everything I read in the reviews, good and bad, is true. 2) This game really wants to be an actiony console game. It's one of the visually prettiest games I've seen, I think. Lots of detail, appropriate color, good movement (on high settings with my hardware). The storyline is reasonably engaging, though some of the side quests are pretty random and unrelated. I suppose as a monster hunter for hire, you get those sorts of jobs. The manual is an invaluable tool for looking up commands, as there's barely any tutorial-ish boxes in-game. That seems somewhat two-decades-ago, and may be a disadvantage for all those who downloaded it rather than buying a physical copy. The online registrati...