A Sense of Waiting

Work has, after the last year or so, settle back into a more normal pace. Perhaps that's deceptive as there are still a few things looming on the horizon, but there are days again that I do not have major projects with which to fill downtime between general maintenance and handling the usual malware infections or random errors.

My prediction of WoW 4.1's appeal being short-lived has proven more accurate than I imagined as thoughts of running the new dungeons repeatedly have faded before the reality of their daunting time requirements. I've spent about 3 hours in a Zul'Gurub run (which, admittedly, was new to a couple of us and involved dying several times) where we got to the last fight, but didn't finish. Since then, I have not had both interest and time together to try another 5-man dungeon of any sort. If I'm going to devote that much time to WoW, it's going to be for a raid. And Guild Wars feels like it's in a bit of a lull, too, after failing to accomplish anything last week and then missing some requirements and simply doing some treasure hunting last night

The other entertainments that I'm really looking forward to - things like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or the next Dresden Files book, Ghost Story - all seem to be more than a month away. I did something of a "test" by getting myself up early enough over the weekend to log onto Furryfaire in time to see someone I know, and I "failed" that test by still not managing to RP much of anything there.

Later in the week, I'll be catching the latest Saltfire Circus show, so that's something. And I find myself oddly in anticipation of Wednesday, when I'll finally be able to switch over to a new(er) cell phone. That's odd because it won't make much difference to me, save that I won't have to worry about the battery dying after answering a brief call.

It just feels as though nothing is happening now, and there is naught to do but wait...


  1. I'm not happy about the lull in Guild Wars either.. I'm hoping that Winds of Chance comes out soon, so we have something to work with. Until then, it's basically just wrapping things up and getting things done. The treasure hunt was kinda nice.. I got some pretty nifty things and got a point on my wisdom score (by ID'ing a +3 Earth Magic rune on an item). We could try to get you Razah.. then you'd have all the Heroes wouldn't you?

  2. Eh... I think there are others, too, though it gets hazy if you count across characters. I believe there are a couple in Nightfall, at least, that I didn't get. I really don't use them so I don't keep track. >.>

  3. I'm just counting Kill. Can help you pick up the ones you're missing.. it wouldn't be so bad if you had all of 'em.


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