(WoW) Down With the Blind Dragon

After difficulty on trash and unduly long pauses and discussions, we brought down Atramedes on our third attempt - definitely better than I was expecting. One more notch in the belt.

Then we took another long break/discussion period and got in a little practice on Nefarian. That wasn't so pretty, but it was good to see. The initial pull and placement of Onyxia is rough - especially if people open fire immediately. I'm also still getting a solid feel for when and how to turn her. It was suggested that since melee would move to Nef, she could just be kept facing the wall, but her tail sweep has too much range for that to work. Nef squished our other tank upon landing a couple times, but I think that was the healers not being prepared. I think the biggest thing we'll have to figure out is managing the bone minions. I didn't have a good view of what all was tried as far as crowd control, so I can't offer much input on that. At our closest to phase 2, we had Onyxia down to 6% health... but it's not a race, and I don't think we had Nef down far enough that time to want the phase change.

A little bit slow for a raid night, all told, but decent progress. I just wish there weren't other factors taking the fun out of it...


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