(WoW) Let's See...
Still enough people to raid sorta-baredly. We hit up Obsidian Sanctum (sort of out of the blue to me) and went for Sartharion with all three drakes up. I bet we could have done it better with strategy, but after a couple failed attempts, we were able to brute force our way through the fight. Then we finished out our Black Temple run - the Illidari Council was a pain in the tail and became an endurance battle, then Illidan Stormrage. The "main" baddie of Burning Crusade, once the most difficult of fights, done in three and a half minutes. Whoo! We also started in on Sunwell, the tacked-on raid of BC (which is still more satisfying than Ruby Sanctum) before calling it a night. I wonder if a 10-man guild will be able to get the achievements for old 25-man raids? Ah well. I'd rather be doing Wrath raids, but I don't mind older stuff too much. Elly, you sell your aggro-generation short. ;) Everyone has some issues with groups these days, but I've seen no evidence ...