(WoW) Patch Time

With all the upheaval, server reboots, connection problems, and class changes that go along with a major revamp of systems for a game so extensive as WoW. Whee!

I don't want to get too whiny. Light knows I hear enough complaining online about the changes. The simple fact is: a lot of things changed, and we're going to have to get used to it.

Some general thoughts:
- I don't make use of heavy interface mods, which is a benefit at times like this. Yay.
- Librams (and all relic-slot items) now have base stats and gem slots. That's strange.
- Grid-like raid frames are now available without an addon. We'll see how well they actually work, though, when I get into healing at some point.
- 310% flight speed is now purchasable for those who didn't have it. 5k gold for that last 30% speed buff. Whee, gold-sinks.
- My armor trinket... lost all its armor, making it an on-use-only dodge trinket. Well, that's pointless.
- I've been experimenting with Mastery and Reforging some. I've traded some avoidance for Mastery (and thus block) on my of my gear at this point. Not enough to cap block, however, so it's hard to say how worthwhile it is.
- I may need to go back and tweak my specs later.

Classes have, of course, changed radically. I've followed the Prot paladin changes enough to understand what I need to do. I just need to practice it. My fingers knew where to go before - even if it wasn't a terribly efficient setup. I have to retrain myself. And while the "logical" thing is to put abilities on the number bar in order of use, that doesn't feel natural to me when I'm playing. I'm too accustomed to having my fingers set on the move keys rather than flicking up higher. So I'm not sure yet how, exactly, but things will work out.

I'm a bit more behind on the other classes. Holy priests picked up this Chakra ability that is... odd. But overall, I'm not going to know how everything really works until I get to using it.

We're also in an odd time right now in that all the abilities changed, but we're still facing Wrath content as it has been. Cataclysm dungeons are supposedly designed with more crowd control and less AOE-everything in mind. So in a sense, we are currently built for that, but the dungeons we're in aren't. It'll be a strange eight weeks or so.


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