(GW) So Close...

There's been a lot of chatter in GW lately about the sequel and the Hall of Monuments and such. My general reply has been "Well, I really don't know how much I should care. I don't know what any of these titles or anything that might transfer or correspond to something in 2 are or what difference they will make."

Well... it looks like there's an answer to my question. In a very literal sense.


You can look up your current characters and see what their accomplishments will give you in 2. Yay. But... it still doesn't tell me how much any of these rewards actually matter. It shows me what armor items might be unlocked, but it doesn't tell me how it compares to the armor I'll pick up just playing GW2. If the stats are the same, or the look isn't much more appealing to me, I still see no reason to bust my tail pursuing accomplishments in GW.

So... basically, you can see what you get, but it means fairly little without a frame of reference. Still, it's something. I'll have to have a closer look and see if anything looks so pretty that I really want it.


  1. Well, let's see. 1) A mantle to go with the armour, which is nice. 2) Fiery Dragon Sword 3) A black moa for rangers, and an undead chicken mini-pet (:D) 4) A spell focus for Samantha's Necromancer and a jellyfish ranger pet (want!) 5) And one short from getting an ice hammer and a white raven pet for my ranger (WANT!!) 6) Six away from getting fiery vambraces and a black widow ranger pet (Hmm...) If you're going for warrior, #2 and #5 is useful, #6 possibly. If you're going ranger, there's a lot there. If you're going Necromancer, I think the focus is important. Damn it... need to get two more armour to finish my armour monument. Vabbian is on the list, and ... oh gods, OBSIDIAN?! That... will take some time...

  2. *chuckles* Yeah, knew you'd be on that pretty quick. ;)

  3. So, Vabbian armour (expensive) and Obsidian armour (prohibitively expensive). About nine more minipets, and I need to get the elite armour for my heroes (not that hard... Then I need to get at least one of each type of elite weapon to put into the hall, just to give it something. And then more titles.

  4. You're definitely looking at this closer, so correct me if I'm wrong. It appears: 1) Rewards are based on points rather than specific accomplishments. One point gained from a title appears to reward you the same as one point gained from an armor set. 2) Rewards are account-wide, based on whichever character has the most. So if you do everything with Tashiro and you keep the same account setup in GW2, Kwaidan will have access to all the rewards regardless of what things she completed in GW herself.


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