Developing Character(s)
Ah, the fine art of character creation. It is an art in many ways, and I fear I am lacking my muse. Part of my longs for the days of being able to put together a D&D character as, literally, a collection of stats and abilities and then going from there. Personality and niche develop out of play, dependent on the rest of the group and the campaign itself. More and more, I've seen games pushing for starting with the character of the character and working stats secondarily to match. That's not invalid by any means, and I could argue it's a better way to do things in order to make a character worth playing. But it also leads to a total roadblock when lacking creative ideas. Most of my characters of the last ten or fifteen years have come about in one of two ways. First, there's the inspired method. Here, I have an idea of the character to start with. Often it comes to me as a mental image that conveys their personality. I don't always get all the details at ...