What to Say?

Back to a "normal" night week at work. Yay. Still unable to put together a coherent character concept for Dresden Files, which bugs me. Spending less free time on WoW, though I've been questing with my warlock some (but now that we have another regular in the guild who does inscription, that should matter less for Cataclysm).

Friday: Took off work a little early in order to meet with the other HOA board members and walk about the condos with a couple contractors, discussing their proposals. I don't want to be blinded by first impressions, but one group seemed a whole heck of a lot more professional and experienced than the other, and we're pursuing that.
Afterwards, the board sat down and had a chat. The others tend to be less worried than I am, and more easily brush off the complaints of our two-three most ranty owners. I feel a little better for having talked to them and seen their focus on fixing things and moving forward. I'm not sure if I feel more worried or relieved at how a couple of them expressed a feeling of "well, if they feel they have to sue someone, let them, it won't amount to much." They also seem inclined to move ahead without really looking for support from the rest of the owners - more telling than asking, in my opinion. I worry over that, too, though I can't argue that they're right in saying the work really needs to get done before things get worse.
So I'm probably the shakiest member of the board, but I feel a little better having had the discussion, at least.

Saturday:: WoW raid night. Noth for the weekly quest was cake, naturally. We spent an hour and a half maybe on Yogg Saron without success. Among everyone to express an opinion, the consensus seemd to be to let the lock out on Ulduar lapse and just move on without having finished it. That might be for the best ultimately, though I think expecting out crew to get down the execution of the fight in four attempts or so is probably unrealistic to begin with. 'tis a very complex fight and we had some people who hadn't seen it at all (or hadn't seen past phase 1 on our previous attempts). But it just doesn't appear to be worth the level of effort to learn for us when it really doesn't offer any measurable rewards at this point.
So then it was back into ICC. I didn't solo-tank Marrowgar (though I think there is some range limit on Saber Lash). We drew the giant weekly quest on the ramparts and got that down - things went pretty well 'til the end, where we lost a few people as I recall, but persevered. Saurfang went down before his first mark, and I'm finding myself pretty comfortable with toggling Righteous Fury in time with taunt trades. Now if only I would notice when I finish a boss fight with RF off and turn it on before pulling trash. Festergut spanked us once due to pulling off of the tank, but we downed him after that. Rotface was a very skin-of-our-teeth victory where Elly went down and I tried to tank the boss while still kiting the slime through the last section - only two or three of us were standing when he fell, I think. We even managed to finish Valithria across the hall on our second (I believe) try for the night. That was about the end of things, though we did fight our way down to Sindragosa to see her fight once, and we killed some vampires for rep. A handful of people are now exalted with Ashen Verdict.
A good run, all told. Kyn seems to want to down Blood Princes next, which is good enough for me though part of me would like to work at finishing one of the wings first.

Sunday: Lots of reading and less time spent online. Guild Wars time saw me sent off to see some Shining Blade scenes almost like homework. There wasn't anything hard involved, just running through some zones (isn't fast travel supposed to avoid that?) repeatedly. I don't feel greatly enriched for it. I'm not sure why the lore bits don't really captivate me, but they just haven't for the most part. We got started on questing a little later than usual, but still made progress. There's talk about hitting an ooze-related dungeon next weekend. I'm curious to see what makes a GW "dungeon" special.
I finished up The Lies of Locke Lamora, after having made deliberate effort not to devour it in one night or anything. Fantasy thievery, though more along the lines of con artists. The bulk of the book follows a winding caper with bits of backstory thrown in, but about two-thirds in things shift into a different direction with conflict among the city's underworld. Life gets more serious and overtly bloody there, which might put some people off. I enjoyed it, though, and expect to follow the series. I just wish that didn't mean I'd be left waiting. I believe the series is planned for something like seven books, the first came out in 2006, the second in 2007, the third... is tentatively expected to be out in 2011, last I saw. Even if the author gets back onto a one-per-year schedule, I'll be waiting. And if the delays are more like that four-year chunk, it could give the Kingkiller Chronicle a run for its money. Oy.


  1. The most fun was the healing the dragon. I can't wait to do that fight again! I think I can do a better job of getting the orby-buff-thingies... can't say that I know exactly how many I was getting. Also a blast was going to Sindragosa and the first fight with her. We didn't know what was coming, there was no 'here's what's going to happen'. Spiders popping out was a surprise (and an aoefest!), and handling the two dragon lieutenants with an off-the-cuff strategy was very fun too. I agree on Yogg. I'm sure we can get it, and we were making progress. I'll need to review it a few more times so I can understand my phase 2 responsibilities better. At this point though I'm for putting it off until later when we can get better loot and more badges on ICC stuff. While 3k dps (which was about my average) isn't so bad... it was sad to be at the bottom of the dps charts. I want to do better. I can say 'oh not hit capped, wearing healer gear'... but still I want to do better. But I suppose I'm in the position I wanted, the hybrid doing a little of whatever is needed?

  2. Mm. Blood Princes indeed. Hopefully will have WoW installed again by then >.> I want to make sure we can do up to the Wing Bosses before we start to throw ourselves against them, trying to learn how to beat 'em. It will be.. lengthy. Putricide is chaos on crack, Lana'thel is a DPS race with that Vampire bite trick plus positioning and being a healer test, and Sindragosa we saw first hand. there is also gearing up. If you go in "order" the Putricide gear should help on Lana'thel and her gear should help on Sindragosa. Or we go Frost resist route on her. Anyway.


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