Writing Helps - a Little

I find some small relief in typing out my responses to emails bounced about by HOA members, or detailing my thoughts on our property manager.

And then I don't send them. Heh.

Not yet anyways. Email is too easy to copy and forward. The last time I replied directly to one person, most of my message was copied and sent to everyone, eliciting a pissy response from the property manager. Whee. If things I "say" are going to cause minor shitstorms and lots of stress like that, no thanks.

So yesterday I printed a letter specifically to the other board members about my concerns and asking their opinions. Hopefully physical copy won't get around so much. This morning, I've typed out a response to some lingering questions in email, but I'm hanging onto that for now. Depending on how things develop, it may or may not actually be sent to anyone.

Just writing it, though, eases anxiety a little bit. The whole fiasco still creeps into my thoughts every waking hour of the day, but I guess I don't feel as bad for not responding - even if I haven't technically responded.


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