(WoW) Healing Help?
Help me ajeya , you're my only hope! So with "enough" level 80's and people wanting to do something last night, we went into Trial of the Champion... with my priest on healing duty. I did, at least, have the sense to insist on doing it on normal before trying heroic. Reyalyn is not my main, and isn't as well geared as Sashayla, nor do I have as much practice. We also had other characters I might consider "second tier" in the guild - which is not to say they're bad, just not quite as experienced/equipped as certain others. Normal difficulty? Easy. Very easy. Renew kept anyone topped off for the most part. We ended up doing this twice, getting both Eadric and Paletress and putting them down without any real issue. Paletress took longer, but we weren't dying. The only part that really made me step things up was the last phase of the Black Knight, which required some group healing, and I wouldn't say I was hard pressed there. Heroic diffic...