(WoW) World of Lootquest

I'm done with Trial of the Champion on normal mode. Which isn't to say I'm never going back, but I was only after The Black Heart, and I got it yesterday... after a few attempts.

In the morning, lacking online guildmates, I answered a call for a tank. I don't usually join PUGs, but with the stuff released in the last patch, the rewards make it more attractive. Still, PUG-ing is hit or miss. Sometimes both. The group was slow to get moving, as we had to wait a couple minutes for the healer to log in and by then we had booted one of the DPS for being AFK, and had to find another. We finally got in and... there were some deaths at the post-joust transition, but this stemmed largely from a lack of communication. Two or three people thought the plan was to run out and forcibly reset the bosses on foot. Only they didn't tell the rest of us. After that, things went okay and we cleared out the instance with no luck on my part for the drops.

We went in a second time, though had to get another DPS person, a level 79 hunter who seemed to know the instance pretty well for someone not level 80 yet. This time, we did run out and knew to, so that went better. Then we drew Confessor Paletress. Ugh. First, the healer needed to wake up more. Then the DPS needed to crank things up. It took three or four shots to get her down (if Kyn, Val, and anyone else is able to interrupt her, kudos to you guys). Then... drama!

The druid who was healing rolled (and won) Need on a DPS trinket. The hunter took offense. The druid claimed to have been running to collect gear for his DPS set, and claimed to have said so (if they did, I didn't see it anywhere - I suspect this was stated straight between players or guildmates, not to the party). The hunter left in a huff. I was almost able to pull in a guildmate to fill the slot for the last boss, but the druid left and that was pretty much it. This was disappointing to me, as the trinket I wanted only drops from the end boss, but what can you do?

Now... I guess opinions vary on this. To me, this mattered little in a direct sense as I probably didn't have any competition for the loot I was after. I usually Pass on anything that isn't an upgrade - I don't usually need the money from selling drops, and I don't disenchant.
I suppose my general thinking is you should roll Need on upgrades to your currently-in-use gear. Then you may roll Greed on anything you want (sidegrades, off-spec gear, disenchanting). If it is of no use to you beyond selling, you should Pass. If everyone passes, then you can grab it and sell it, sure. I'm not opposed to rolling Need on off-spec upgrades
if everyone in the group knows and accepts this in advance.
Of course, it's all easier within the guild anyway. We're working together, after all, so as long as someone gets some use out of it, it's not a total loss. Though there have been awkward times of trying to convince someone a certain piece is actually an upgrade to what they're using. Heh.

Thankfully, we got in a couple guild runs later. We seem to have an awkward number of guild folk these days, often ending up with 4 (one too few for a full group) or 6-7 (someone's getting left out) level 80's. But we managed to get in those two runs, introduce a couple people to the experience, and I walked away with the trinket I was after (and passed on some tank plate that was basically equal to what I currently have). Yay! So much cleaner than a PUG.

Working nights makes it even harder to synch with guildmates, though, so I tested the waters of the looking-for-group feature this morning, hoping to get a few emblems from something somewhere, while saving the daily heroic and/or Trial for possible running when I got home. No dice. If today is any measure, the server simply doesn't have enough people on for that to be practical until midday, when I need to get getting off to eat, shower, and nap before my evening shift.

I was, at least, able to track down one of the server's Alliance crafters of Indestructible Plate Girdles, so I've an upgraded belt now that should last a good while once I get it gemmed up.

And if there aren't guildmates around to run with when I get home, perhaps I'll see how LFG works around midnight. In general, I fear my experiences with PUGs have been more negative than positive, but I can keep my mouth shut and tank (or DPS, if wanted) in order to earn some emblems as long as the group makes progress and isn't too hostile.


  1. I'm glad I was able to help you get the trinket, hon

  2. Now we need to get you one, if you're still aspiring to bearishness. :)

  3. Yup! Still wanna be Bear Tank of DEWM! ^_^


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