The Land of Enchantment

Quick post from a Holiday Inn in Albuquerque. I'm just the ride. Roommate's boarding a 7:15 am flight ultimately to Hawaii for the week, and I'll be back homeward (albeit possibly after a nap and one or two stops around town). Have to pick her up next weekend, though that looks like a single-day affair. Four hours is... long enough of a drive that I'd rather not do it regularly, and it'll be awful quiet coming back. Not too bad, though.

We hit Page One and Active Imagination. Depressingly, not one RPG or sci-fi/fantasy novel said "buy me!" to me.

We also watched GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Now, bear in mind that I went in with little expectation beyond action, some familiar quotes/names, and a dose of cheese. I was actually fairly impressed. I'm not saying it was a masterpiece of filmmaking, but... it didn't suck. Sure, it's over-the-top. Sure, there's plenty of cheese. Sure, there are things overused and some things underplayed. There were no great twists I didn't see coming. But it worked reasonably well and sets things up in a style that is GI Joe. It makes about as much sense as secret organizations with insane resources and technology trying to steal money and power ever did. ;)


  1. She's going to Hawaii?! Not really where I'd have envisioned her vacationing, but what do I know? She certainly doesn't keep me in the loop any more... *sniffle* It's really good of you to be the driver. :) Have a safe drive home! :)

  2. Thanks. Yeah, her brother has a time share or something down there and is paying to fly her down for a week. *sniffle* ;)


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