
Showing posts from September, 2007

Yet Another Gaming-Related Rant

Because what else am I going to do there? >.> I’ve been told resistance to changes in a game setting means I’m for a static, unchanging world. That’s not true. Let me try to put things in perspective. My only real experience with Exalted seriously put me off. I read the main book. I came up with a character that I had in mind and that fit the world as I understood it. I submitted my character early only to have it looked at last-minute and be told “wait, there’s no way this would work.” Why? Apparently my understanding gained from the main book was completely invalidated on several points by information from expansion books I didn’t have. Well, I felt a bit betrayed because I wasn’t told that sooner, but more I felt upset with the game designers because they gave me a framework to build within that was, apparently, missing some major points that they changed later. Those of us who played there before had a fair idea of most of the setting, though a lot of it was vague a...


There are lessons to be learned by listening to others. So sayeth my fortune cookie from lunch. The timing is notable to me, but it doesn't feel like a fortune. I recently initiated a discussion solely for the purpose of getting a friend to look at things through more than one perspective. Unfortunately, over the last few days I've bobbed or spiraled amidst a sea of increasing selfishness... because I'm annoyed at people not looking past their own interested. Go figure. There have been moments I've been fed up almost to the point of walking away. Thankfully, most of it is online so I'm not actually about to slug someone at work or on the street. I still don't feel good about this mindset. It'll pass, though, I suppose.

Attack of the Chibis

Okay, I've been tinkering with a Gaia Online avatar creator . Now, I don't play Gaia Online at all and am only peripherally aware of it. But shiftercat started doing cute little representations of deities from FurryFaire and it's proved a little bit addictive. So here's a line-up of most (albeit not all) of my characters from there, past and present (with appropriately melodramatic naming and a fair bit of improv due to limited selections of "parts" available). Fire Dragon Fox Goddess Mika: Naiponese Fire Fortune Mika: Mika-Mirror Warrior Vixen Fireheart: Divine Balancer Tiger Priestess Amber: Heavenly Fox Queen Dove: Daring Divine Draconic Lutrai Adventurer Kyle: Pretty Demon Wolf Girl Jhazza: Valiant Light Warrior Fox Prince Jerec: Kawaii Wind Sorceress Lina S'yalin: Super Galactic Inventor Girl Cyra: Not-So-Skunk Kitsune Daimyo Kaede:

Sci-Fi Thoughts

I'm sure this comes from too much mecha anime. Often those shows are based on a reasonably normal world to a point. Then they say "oh, here's some alien technology/mystic connection/astounding revelation" that allows humanoid mecha to be practical. In Robotech (and presumably Macross), it's the technology from the SDF-1 that crashes on Earth. In Evangelion, it's the discovery of "Adam." And so I have this technological concept in my mind and a scene of reminiscence to go with it. I doubt I'll ever spin this into a full story or campaign, but someone has said I should chronicle such bits of inspiration in some fashion, and it's not a bad idea to do so. "Insertion point coming up in four minutes, Captain." "It's still beautiful from up here, isn't it?" "Sir?" Captain Nicholas Haskins turned from the window to regard the naval pilot now glancing his way. He took a moment to register the rank insignia...

Systems Back Online

Feeling more normal. Even... almost inspired. Unfornately, it's not inspiration directed at anything "useful." Ah well. We take what we can get, neh?

I Am Scott's Smoldering Annoyance

I've been annoyed to the point of distraction over the holiday weekend. It should have been nice, relaxing, and maybe fun. By and large, it wasn't - though there were okay parts and I did get a little cleaning done, ableit not as much as I hoped. Most of this annoyance stems from FurryFaire. It is hindering my ability to do anything there, including care. Blar. Oh, and after a very brief power outage, my wireless router at home went all flaky on me, disconnecting every 20-30 minutes. So I had to buy a new one of those. Double-blar.

Spleen Venting

Normally, if I need to "vent my spleen" I'll share my ranting with a friend online. Also normally, I'll end up paying for it because some part(s) of what I'm complaining about will involve them, they'll take it personally, and I'll end up spending an evening or more trying to make them feel better after incidentally tearing them down. It's an exercise in futility, really, and I end up feeling too tired to give a rat's ass more than "better." And right now, a LOT of what's bothering me involves online friends. I serve as equipment wizard on FurryFaire - the staff member who oversee rolls involved in characters making/buying things or getting their starting allowance of items. In a perfect world (or a fully-coded MUD) this wouldn't even be necessary, but the way things are set up, items on a sheet have to be manually put there by a W-bitted staff member. Because of space limitations, details of such items often have to go somewher...