I Am Scott's Smoldering Annoyance

I've been annoyed to the point of distraction over the holiday weekend. It should have been nice, relaxing, and maybe fun. By and large, it wasn't - though there were okay parts and I did get a little cleaning done, ableit not as much as I hoped.

Most of this annoyance stems from FurryFaire. It is hindering my ability to do anything there, including care.


Oh, and after a very brief power outage, my wireless router at home went all flaky on me, disconnecting every 20-30 minutes. So I had to buy a new one of those.



  1. If there are specifics, I am ever always an open ear.

  2. Oh, there are. I even wrote a number of them up. But I tagged that entry "private" so as not to ruffle any feathers.


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