Attack of the Chibis

Okay, I've been tinkering with a Gaia Online avatar creator. Now, I don't play Gaia Online at all and am only peripherally aware of it. But shiftercat started doing cute little representations of deities from FurryFaire and it's proved a little bit addictive.

So here's a line-up of most (albeit not all) of my characters from there, past and present (with appropriately melodramatic naming and a fair bit of improv due to limited selections of "parts" available).

Fire Dragon Fox Goddess Mika:

Naiponese Fire Fortune Mika:

Mika-Mirror Warrior Vixen Fireheart:

Divine Balancer Tiger Priestess Amber:

Heavenly Fox Queen Dove:

Daring Divine Draconic Lutrai Adventurer Kyle:

Pretty Demon Wolf Girl Jhazza:

Valiant Light Warrior Fox Prince Jerec:

Kawaii Wind Sorceress Lina S'yalin:

Super Galactic Inventor Girl Cyra:

Not-So-Skunk Kitsune Daimyo Kaede:


  1. Eeeee, they're so cute! I was wondering if you'd find the scales for Balancer Mika.

  2. Found them after actually doing Mika, and I discovered that it gets really busy with a dragon back there too. Still, I may go back and edit at some point to put them in.


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