Magic and modern life
Conversation last night got me thinking. It wasn't even so much the way the utterance of the word "cucumber" really did seem to banish my housemate's hiccups, but rather a little question that came up afterward. To be honest, I'm not sure what I believe these days. I accept that magic can be real in some sense. I've always believed that much. It's easier to believe in subtler things that could be coincidence, though. I have to meet tales of flying toasters with a degree of skepticism (though I wasn't there, so I'm not about to say it *didn't* happen either). There was a time when my belief was stronger. I was convinced will could shape reality if it were only strong enough. I never received any "formal" training, or even picked up a book on the subject to read. Yet in those days I was blamed for wilting an area of thistles, I tweaked weather patterns, and I could pull the Magic card I wanted from the top of a deck with unsettlin...