
... or at least slowed down.

I know I'm not as spry as I was ten years ago, but this is getting ridiculous. For reasons unknown, my left foot has been uncomfortable to walk on for the past week and a half or so. I don't remember bashing it or anything, but it feels like some bones/tendons/whatever in there are not aligned quite the way they should be. I *think* it's getting a bit better, but it's hard to tell if that's real progress or just the result of a relatively sedentary weekend.

That was annoying enough, but Sunday morning I'm walking downstairs at home and the back of my other foot rubs against the vertical portion of a stair. That's not so unusual - my feet aren't small and the stairs are fairly steep - but something also caught my foot. I wasn't able to find anything, but I suspect a staple holding the carpet in place or something along those lines. It skinned/tore a little chunk out of the back of my heel. it's not a serious wound, but uncomfortable when walking in shoes.

Feh. I can't even favor one foot or the other now.


  1. Ow. Yeah, I know what it is like to hit those carpet staples. Damn those things are annoying. They kept tearing holes in my socks. I hope you get better soon.

  2. So they do exist. I couldn't even find the darn thing after the fact.

  3. Actually, if I recall, it's the nail on the underside of the stair, coming up through the wood to 'hold' the carpet. It is right on the corner of the step (against the back), and is basically the pointy bit of the nail, quite small. You would really have to push to get to feel it with your hands. Basically, push your fingers down on the base of the step, where the indent is, and you might find it.


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