
It's bound to be addictive...
... and time consuming...
... and it costs $12.95 a month...
... and it's out in two weeks.

I speak of Final Fantasy XI, due out (for PC) on the 28th.

Thusfar, I have avoided MMORPGs. Why pay monthly to spend time playing a game like that when I could just MUCK for free? Granted, it's not as pretty, but it's far cheaper. FFXI, though... well... it could be the first one to grab me. I admit, I'm a sucker for Final Fantasy games. Sure, I managed to decide Tactics Advanced isn't worth buying a GBA/adapter, but this is just evil. The classes are there. The graphics look good. The (p)reviews I've read all seem to speak highly of the quest/mission system. I have no idea how you instill storyline into a MMORPG, but they seem to say it's been done here. And why did I build a slick, new computer if not to play newer games on it?

But... $50 from the start and $13 a month after the first month. That would almost double my Net fees compared to now. Plus, I don't have a broadband connection - they say dial-up works okay except in the worst of circumstances, but I can't help being a little skeptical of that. And I don't know any of my friends off-hand who could/would buy/play it with me, so I'd have to meet all new people.

Aiieee. The horror.

On the other hand, if this is the worst thing I can complain about, life isn't so bad. ;)


  1. *sniffle* But if you're playing that, what about us? Can you MMORPG and MUCK at the same time? *sobs*


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