
Showing posts from May, 2003


Well, I'm officially in a pissy mood now, and it's all because I discovered something I probably shouldn't have. Last night was largely unpleasant due to character relationship issues. Those don't bother me as much as they once did, though. Allowed a short period of time to step back out of character, I can brush off such things. The real test there comes when playing the character again. But that's quite beside the point today. No... I came in to work for a while. There are just some things that can't easily be done during regular hours. So, I came in to upgrade our circulation software. Of course, I showed up a little early, considering - there were still people using that system. "No problem," I think to myself, there's a computer I want to check for possible viruses and another we're hoping to replace soon, so I need to look it over and make sure I know all the software that needs to be installed on the newer one. Simple enough. As I...

More new stuff

What happens we someone mixes Tang in their Mountain Dew? Mountain Dew: LiveWire apparently. Not bad stuff, actually, but it's not quite as good as I expected orange Mountain Dew to be. Ah well. I installed a DVD-almost everything (DVD+R/-R/+RW/-RW...) in my home computer Saturday. That was surprisingly easy. The DVD video software that came with it actually worked better than what I had with my computer to begin with - it played all the way through a movie the other program would lock up on. And yesterday I picked up media to test the writing capabilities. A little under 4.7 GB written to DVD+R in roughly half an hour. It reads find on my other DVD-ROM drive. Nice. I'm pleasantly satisfied with Sony's DRU500AX. Ultimately, this is meant to be the primary drive in my new computer. As I'm still collecting components, though, I wanted this part in my current PC to be able to back up the tons and tons of files I've acquired. I'm such a Net packrat. Ciao for no...

Advanced game thoughts of the day

Half Life 2: Looking good. The original renewed my faith in the first-person shooter genre of computer games. Between this and Deus Ex 2, I'll about double the number of FPS games I've bothered to buy and play. ;) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: You got action in my RPG! You got RP in my action game! Honestly, I don't know what to make of this. Screens thusfar look rather bright and colorful. They make me think Secret of Mana more than any FF game. The ability (with proper hardware) to play multiplayer sounds very interesting. I'd like to experience an FF game side-by-side with a friend. That sounds like a great idea, but doing so would require changes to my personal schedule. More importantly, I have lingering doubts about the game - I'm not convinced a good story will survive the inclusion of the action/multiplayer elements. Still, I don't know what else I'd be playing on my Gamecube this year.

*sigh* Fridays...

There was a time when I really enjoyed Fridays. They carried less weight than other weekdays, being a prelude to the weekend. For quite a while, in fact, Friday nights were the nights I spent RPing. Now, they still have the benefit of being the end of the work week for me, but they're often the busiest days. Those of us at the newspaper who work weekdays scramble to get everything done for three days worth of papers rather than just one. In theory, this shouldn't affect me so much. I just made sure the network runs, that's pretty much the same on any day. But, lucky me, I know too much. Ignorance really is bliss, I've decided. Having worked through several positions here, I possess an understanding of how almost every part of putting the paper together works. That's good, right? Right? In all practicality, it just means I get to fill in for people when they're not around. Ugh. We have a "production" department that consists of four people. Thei...

What's wrong with this picture

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate Level 2 (Lustful) High Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Low Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High Level 7 (Violent) Very High Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test Of all the sins, Violence? I don't get it...