*sigh* Fridays...

There was a time when I really enjoyed Fridays. They carried less weight than other weekdays, being a prelude to the weekend. For quite a while, in fact, Friday nights were the nights I spent RPing.

Now, they still have the benefit of being the end of the work week for me, but they're often the busiest days. Those of us at the newspaper who work weekdays scramble to get everything done for three days worth of papers rather than just one. In theory, this shouldn't affect me so much. I just made sure the network runs, that's pretty much the same on any day. But, lucky me, I know too much.

Ignorance really is bliss, I've decided.

Having worked through several positions here, I possess an understanding of how almost every part of putting the paper together works. That's good, right? Right? In all practicality, it just means I get to fill in for people when they're not around. Ugh.

We have a "production" department that consists of four people. Their focus is making sure all the advertising in the newspaper gets in there. That's a matter of data entry and page layout. The actual design of the ads themselves is usually handled by others in the advertising department. Usually, the production job is not too bad, but Friday's are busy. In a perfect world, there time to get everything done without overtime, but a perfect world this is not. It doesn't seem quite right, but internal deadlines don't mean much. Sure, the paper *must* be out for delivery by such-and-such a time, or management folks go on the warpath. But if an advertiser can't get their ad to us until five hours later than the deadline to do so, we get to suck it up and find a way to put it in, no matter the inconvenience to us.

So, today, we're a bit shorthanded. Yeah, just a bit. Really. Two of the production employees were scheduled to be out, and that was pretty foolish of whoever approved it. A third is out because her sister is having a baby. Heh. I get to do two people's jobs today (both of which are afternoon-heavy jobs), and I'll probably be helping beyond that before the day is out.

On the whole, I'd rather just be me.


  1. Sounds like you should demand more money for what you do.


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