More new stuff

What happens we someone mixes Tang in their Mountain Dew? Mountain Dew: LiveWire apparently. Not bad stuff, actually, but it's not quite as good as I expected orange Mountain Dew to be. Ah well.

I installed a DVD-almost everything (DVD+R/-R/+RW/-RW...) in my home computer Saturday. That was surprisingly easy. The DVD video software that came with it actually worked better than what I had with my computer to begin with - it played all the way through a movie the other program would lock up on. And yesterday I picked up media to test the writing capabilities. A little under 4.7 GB written to DVD+R in roughly half an hour. It reads find on my other DVD-ROM drive. Nice. I'm pleasantly satisfied with Sony's DRU500AX.
Ultimately, this is meant to be the primary drive in my new computer. As I'm still collecting components, though, I wanted this part in my current PC to be able to back up the tons and tons of files I've acquired. I'm such a Net packrat.

Ciao for now.


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