I Lack Cohesive Vision...

 I recently started thinking about the mask I still have sitting around that I haven't made any sort of progress with and felt some inclination to go more cyberpunk than steampunk. Either way, I'd need to do work with the mask itself to shape it into something more, and then there's the matter of a full costume to go with. But I can't really settle on an overall look. When cosplaying a character (or even something non-unique like "a Mandalorian"), you've got something of a model to work from. Without that, I bounce around a lot.

Cyberpunk could be smooth lines of corporate business suits or tattered street wear. I mentally lean toward dark colors, but bright elements can make good highlights. And pockets are good. I want to do lights in the mask eyes and that brings up the possibility of lighting other elements. Electroluminescent wire could be used in small or large amounts to run light along clothing, but I can't decide if that's a good or bad idea. Too Tron? Just Tron enough? I've scouted out some garments that I like, but I can't very well visualize them together, and that is sort of where I got hung up when I was thinking more steampunk too...


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