Ghost of Tsushima
... is very good. The gameplay is solid. The lack of a lock-on in combat might take some getting used to for some, but I barely noticed most of the time and adapted. It's not super-difficult (at least on normal mode), but can definitely punish a player for getting in over their head. It moves well and looks gorgeous. The lovely scenery can arguably get to be a little much at times, but the only area that I actually got bored of was the Act 3 zone due to the comparative monotony of being snowy - it was unique compared to the rest of the map, but there's a lot of it. I'm not really an expert when it comes to feudal Japanese stories, but this one feels very appropriate and maturely-told. As a story that centers on a samurai surviving against incredible odds and adopting non-conventional strategies against a greater foe, it fits for there to be a conflict between tradition and effectiveness told around a central cast who are all imperfect. Lord Shimura is, perhaps, the only on...