Really, 2020?

These are weird times.
I've seen duck-and-cover earthquake/nuke drills. I've seen natural disasters like wildfires, hurricanes, and the like shut down areas. SARS, MERS, and the swine/bird-flus created fairly wide waves in the media, but that's about it. The COVID-19 pandemic is the first time I've seen something shutting things down in quite this fashion. Perhaps 9/11 was similar in some ways - it paused/revamped air travel and had emotional shockwaves, but I don't recall the same scale of shutting things down.
Really weird. If it helps control the spread, then good, but still really weird.
And the run on toilet paper, sanitizer, and face masks is... rather revealing of how there are people who are just dicks - hoarding and reselling at markups and such.
All this reducing of hours and shutting down of placing is going to be particularly rough on hourly workers. If you don't get paid for not working, well, then not working isn't a good thing.


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