Dreaming Again

So there I was with my partner, behind enemy lines in some muddy battlefield zone that gave the feeling of WWI trench warfare. We had taken over some little cache area and I was putting on a heavy leather trench coat from one of the enemy, thinking it would be more protective than anything I had and it would offer a level of disguise. My partner had something too, such that the two of us shouldn't be attacked unless we drew attention. And at this point a girl joins us as a third member.
I remember thinking "well, at least we can act like we're escorting her as a prisoner if guards question us," but it wasn't necessary. Somehow our disguise was good enough that as we passed down a lane with a few guards spaced out widely, they didn't question.
On the other hand, my "character" had some particular hatred for the enemy, such that I started knifing each one that we passed. Chest stab. Throat slit. The last one on the row saw me before I reached him and I threw my knife. Which missed. He threw one, which I caught and threw back into him before he called out. In retrospect, that's very Big Trouble in Little China, though at the time it didn't feel like any sort of reference or in any way that awesome. Somehow, it was only due to how good his knife was, so I took it with me.
We made it to the next cache - a stonework room that seemed to be underground and filled with various supplies, artwork, and documents. This one, in a very game-like fashion, offered a choice of submachine gun types. I acknowledged already having a silenced handgun and a good assault rifle, so suggested the new girl take it, which she did while the other two of us started searching through things for leads on our goal. Which seemed to be some sort of occult creature or ritual or something that enemy was working on or uncovering.
We found something that pointed us in the next direction and we were joined by three or four additional allies at this point, so we split up as we made our way along. I recall walking along a road, but very slowly. While the whole region was muddy, my steps were less like sinking into and getting stuck in mud and more like walking in sand - each step seemed to have a percentage of energy sapped away from it, making travel just slow.
When we did regroup, there was a sense that one of the group members might sell us out and we should be careful, but this is about where the dream started to flow into something else or I started to wake, so that's really all I remember...


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