An Itch

Just a little bit of a mental itch today, thinking through possibilities for further costume design. Admittedly, I haven't done anything in quite a while. I really need to go play around with that Arduino kit to get a feel for some basic LED/electronic work.

But what to make? I have some design to go with a mask/helmet and illuminated eyes/visor/goggles in some fashion, though glasses make that a slight PITA. And ventilation/temperature is a consideration. But while those are factors, they doesn't steer me solidly in any particular direction.

  • N7/Mass Effect armor? That was sort of my toss-up idea with Mando armor previously. Not really "fresh and topical" in my mind at the moment, though, with no ME game in a while.

  • Steampunk-ish Plague Doctor? That was another idea that came to mind. Other than the mask, a majority of this would be clothing - that's both an up side (no serious fabrication woes) and a down side (finding stuff of proper size/appearance can be difficult and expensive).

  • Division Agent? This feels a bit more current to me, though it would also be 1) mostly just various clothing and 2) largely lost on non-fans of the game. It also has the disadvantage of being the sort of thing that revolves around real-world weapons that are... increasingly a touch subject in costuming. It might be better/safer/more generally acceptable to avoid anything that would be mistaken for a real firearm in any way.

I'm not sure what else. I mean, there are tons of options. I think about more fantasy-style armor from time to time. There's some good Skyrim stuff I've seen, though that particular aesthetic doesn't really draw me in (and Warcraft shoulders are too big!). Nothing has gelled enough for me to visualize as a complete outfit, though.



  1. Movie related maybe? Starlord?

  2. Hmm. Level of appeal would have been higher before Endgame. ;)


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