Oddly Appropriate Spectating

So, watching the Angry Joe review of The Dark Tower movie, I'm stricken by his use of the terms "dull" and "boring" (repeatedly). Though he hadn't read the book, his overall reaction to the movie was actually a lot like mine to the book - which I found to be atmospheric, but unrewarding and not interesting enough to draw me into the series. So, between that and what I've read elsewhere about the movie, I'll probably give that a full pass.

Playing through the most recent Guild Wars 2 story, I was asked to do it with someone. So it's been slower. And I've been shoved off to the side in some of the scenes as a spectator - the game lets party members take credit for those segments, it seems, but only the primary character who starts the instance is actually in the center of it, swearing into a secretive sect and facing its trials. Normally, this sort of thing would make me feel left out. And it might on some level. But I also find it unusually fitting for my character, who would specifically not want to take these magical oaths. Even though the original story orders (the Order of Whispers in my case) have long since fallen by the wayside, I see my character as lower to that group, and not wanting to get bound to another. So... that works in this one case.
Though... I think I still haven't even killed Mordremoth in my -own- story instance. Heh.


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