The Project Continues...

Hopes that I would be spraying primer before the weekend was out were optimistic, it seems. I do have torso armor places in a reasonably final shape with edges sanded and such. I may need to mold the back plate a little more. I did invest in a soldering iron with hot knife attachment, and that made cutting the sintra easier, though still an error.

Sunday blew by. I already had a rough form together of sintra for the helmet I got up and started final assembly of it, then filled out a few areas with foam. Then comes the oft-referenced "bondo," an epoxy filler. This adds some rigidity and structure and gives you something to smooth the shape with. Then it dries and you have to sand it down. And repeat. A lot. The bondo sets reasonably quickly, but getting smooth contours takes work. A lot of work. I think I somehow put in over eight hours of filling, drying, and sanding in yesterday and while I sense progress, I'm not done. I'm a little shocked by the amount of time it's taking to get a decent exterior, and I don't really think I'd be much better or worse off if I'd used cardboard, paper, or more standard plastic rather than sintra.

So much sanding. So much dust. I'm now more familiar with the process, as well as the smell of the stuff. And fiberglass - ugh, much worse. I thought I'd try a fiberglass patch I saw while at Home Depot. It set quickly and rigidly, as advertised, but didn't adhere, making it useless for the strengthening I had it mind. Ah well, working without it.

So the helmet is coming along. I do still need to do leg armor and gauntlets* as well as modify boots a bit before starting the painting process and putting things together.

And in the last few days, I've added to my injury list by grabbing the soldering iron (seriously, I know better, but an instinctive quest for better leverage came with a painful reminder) and my right forefinger is sort of sore and was numb for a while from pressing against an xacto knife for extended periods.

* I find it frustrating that the Mandalorian cosplay community refers to these as "gauntlets." They're not. They cover the forearm, not the hand. Those are vambraces!


  1. Besides, "vambrace" is an awesome word. Can't wait to see how this goes!

  2. I think you have a vambrace fetish

    1. Funny enough, we were thinking of leather vambrace, with hooks on the outside to either tie the person or fasten them to a chain on the ceiling / bed / whatever.


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