Just a place to file and share thoughts, because everyone needs one these days, right?
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
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A pretty great movie that I thoroughly enjoyed. It's got the fun, adventurous heart of the first film without being burdened by following conventional "superhero" plot - which is to say it's not another origin story (which is getting pretty worn out these days) and it's not really a second installment where the hero falters and questions everything before re-embracing their role. Rather it's more about family - some literal and some more figurative/adoptive.
The banter is great. Young Groot is cute. Rocket is still my favorite, even if he does cause some serious trouble. I feel like I don't have a lot to say about Gamora, yet she doesn't feel so underused as last time. My only real complaint gets a little spoilery, and that doesn't actually take away from the movie much for me.
Let's see if I can do a spoiler cut here...
My complaint: Ego kind of devolves rapidly to mustache-twirling levels of evil at the end in order to give the group a reason to fight him. Now, I get the seed was planted (literally) for this in the beginning of the movie. But his interactions with the main group up until the end leave me seeing two possibilities: 1) His being nice was just a facade while he found if Peter could use celestial power. If that's the case, it shows an understanding of social interactions and emotions enough to bother manipulating people, which means it should have been sooo obvious everything would go smoother for him if he didn't admit to killing Peter's mom. 2) Being a celestial being, he doesn't "get" people enough to see that would piss Peter off and make him an enemy. If that were the case, it would have been better conveyed by a few "cracks" in his mask earlier on. As presented in the movie, it feels like the shift from playing nice to being evil was enforced by a narrative need and time constraints, which takes away from a natural feel of the characters and their interactions. But... for all the thoughts and words I've devoted to it, that's actually a fairly minor quibble against the movie as a whole. What else? - I loved the beginning fight, with Groot still hiding his dancing from Drax and the "main battle" being a background element. - Taserface! Ahahaha! - The twist in the Gamora-Nebula relationship and reconciliation is something I appreciate, casting the "good guy" Gamora as the one who really stoked their conflict in their youth - it gives her something to think about and makes it more complex. - So many end credits scenes. Aiee, teen Groot! Does this prove Stan Lee is a Watcher reporting to the others, or is he just a person there telling them stories? - I'm a bit surprised at the timing of Adam Warlock's "first appearance," as it probably means he won't really appear fully until GotG 3 and probably miss the Infinity War movies, when he was a big part of the story line in the comics. - Yes, Ego lives up to his name. - I guess Rocket told the Ravagers only what Yondu told/hinted to him, since from what Ego said, it sounds like Yondu still delivered all those other people to him, so he still broke the code. - And a Zune! That gives us another 2-3 decades of possible songs to pull from! Yay! ;) I also find it amusing that Rocket seems to be into the music as much as Peter, even if he doesn't admit it.
So, yeah, I'm terrible at keeping up with between-session conversations and all the piles of possible channels/servers in Discord - especially when work gives me some time to think, but not Discord access. I believe a question was posed about thoughts on the state and future of the Adventures in Rokugan game, though, so here goes... In general, I'm enjoying the time and look forward to it more than feel burdened by it. The start time is a little earlier than ideal, but I don't mind making it work on Saturdays. So, net positive overall. I'm a touch "meh" on the mechanics of AiR. I like the familiarity of D&D, but the Rokugan-specific stuff doesn't feel very rewarding. Granted, this may just be my pick of a shadow acolyte, but I feel like I'm getting more functional mileage out of the sharpshooter feat than all of the special class abilities and level-ups haven't been particularly exciting. I've been tempted to multi-class into something els...
Last night seemed to be the climactic finale of the ongoing Godbound game. I have some thoughts. The previous session ended with a couple PCs and a shadowy person in the special chamber with access to divine realms and their vacated thrones (in the campaign, the gods were sorta kicked out of their positions, making things up for grabs). Once PC had already claimed a throne. All the others were waiting outside. At the moment the session ended, no one seemed aware that the shadowy figure was Beryn, big-bad threat of the campaign. This is where I feel weird about things, because that little detail came up OOC and it changed everything. If the PCs had been aware at the time, they probably would have started a fight outside the chamber when they saw him. That didn't happen. But suddenly because the players were aware, they wanted to be able to plan before the conflict (with downtime glossed over previous) so they could go into the next session guns-blazing and as prepared as possible. ...
Depression: Well, after a little exchange with my doctor, we're trying an increased dosage. So far, no truly dark days or breakdowns and I can pull myself back from negative thoughts a bit easier. I worry, though, that it may also be keeping me a little... hmm... "floaty" comes to mind - less able to focus/commit to doing a thing. That's hard to quantify and confirm, though. Hmm... Reading: I have a few books on my "to read" list, though I find myself reluctant to start in on them. I received The Dragons of Babel along with The Iron Dragon's Daughter, but after reading the latter I'm not sure I want to read the former. Certainly, if it's the same level of aimlessness and depressive squandering of a character and setting, I'm not up to that right now. The latest (final?) book of the Lightbringer series has been available for a while, but I've been hesitant to pick it up. I've generally enjoyed the series and characters, but as i...
We liked that Rocket liked the music. And it was amusing to watch Baby Groot stop dancing every time Drax looked at him. That was a nice callback.